Discover. Share. Earn.

Become one of the first Stashh Tastemakers, and you'll earn rewards just for sharing and discovering great artists, projects, and communities from across Web3!

Got Taste? Prove It.

Stashh - the omnichain hub for NFT creators and collectors - is now recruiting for Wave 1 of our Tastemaker program. As a Genesis Tastemaker, you’ll scour Web3 for the very best artists, communities, and ideas the NFT space has to offer. Share them with the Stashh community, and you’ll earn significant rewards - including up to $1,000 monthly!

Why become a Tastemaker?

Earn Rewards

When Tastemakers share great content with our community, they earn Stashh Gems (our on-platform currency) and up to $1,000 monthly in stablecoins!

Get Promoted

Tastemakers are the core of the Stashh community! Your profile will be promoted to other Stashhers (including as a Recommended Follow), and your Stashh ID will appear in Gold.

Get Access

Tastemakers receive early access to new features on Stashh, direct communication with the core Stashh team, special access to our networks, and exclusive NFTs!

What will you do?


Tastemakers scout for the top upcoming projects, best communities, and most talented undiscovered artists from every blockchain and ecosystem.


Tastemakers interact daily with the Stashh community, bringing their brilliant ideas and connecting Stashhers with the very best the NFT space has to offer.


Tastemakers will be highly visible and passionate community leaders, helping us grow the Stashh community of collectors and creators to new heights!

Apply to become a Genesis Tastemaker now!

While you’re here, why not explore Stashh?